The ability to create a multi-sectoral partnership with a unique regional affinity
A breakthrough that enables business and economic development for businesses and industry, the integration of bodies that specialize in the implementation of programs to encourage and develop innovation and entrepreneurship and thereby create regional impact, prosperity and resilience
The main elements of the program
Locating technologies (technological scouting)
Training and entrepreneurship education
Various acceleration programs in the fields of specialization
Proactive access of the potential entrepreneurs to technological infrastructures and pilot sites
Access to dedicated technological complexes for developing prototypes and working in teams
Exposing the entrepreneurs to advanced design methods, design thinking, project management, knowledge of the world of patents, and the economic aspects of entrepreneurship
Allowing work in multidisciplinary groups
Exposing the ventures to investors and potential customers, world leaders
The center will develop innovative models to encourage innovation entrepreneurship – at various stages, including the use of innovative technological tools, the various activities will integrate and support each other as will be detailed below.
Members of the Advisory Committee
אבי יריב
מנכ"ל CEO
איילת שמואל
מנהלת מרכז החוסן הבינלאומי
מנהלת תחום קש״ח,
מדיה וחוסן
רונן לברן
מנהל פיתוח אזורי
תנועת אור
מנהל תחום צמיחה כלכלית
שגית פלטין יפרח
מנהל תחום המחקר
והקשר לאקדמיה
מנהלת ח"י בספיר
גיל שוורצמן
מנהל תחום ה-HLS
מנכ"ל חממת
אורי פינטו
מנכ"ל אשכול רשויות
נגב מערב
שחף מרודי
מנהל תחום
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